Top Lifetime Deal For digital products, Software, SaaS Tools and Courses

DMCA Policy

We respect copyrights and expect the same from users. This policy details how to report copyright issues. According to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, United States Code, Title 17, Section 512(c), a copyright owner or their agent may send a takedown notice to us through our DMCA Policy Agent, below. As an Internet provider, we are protected from infringement claims by the DMCA’s “safe harbor” rules. If you believe content on TopLifetimeDeal violates your copyright, please notify us.

Contact Info: Your name, address, phone, and email.

Work Description: Clearly describe the copyrighted material.

Infringing Content: Please, share the URL of the content.
.Good Faith Statement: Say you believe the use is unauthorized.
Accuracy Statement: Confirm your notice is correct and you’re the owner or authorized.
Signature: Yours or your representative’s.

If you believe that someone removed your content by mistake, please send a counter-notice with
Contact Info: Your name, address, phone, and email.
Signature: Yours or your representative’s.
Our Response

We quickly investigate valid DMCA notices. If needed, we remove infringing content. Affected users can appeal. Repeat Offenders: We take action against repeat infringers, including account termination, to protect copyrights.

Our policy aims to respect copyright and ensure fairnes.